ICAHS 3 – 3rd international conference on animal health surveillance

7 November 2016

The proposed theme is “Beyond Animal Health Surveillance”, strengthening the linkages between animal, human and environmental health to further integrate One Health approaches into health surveillance. This will encompass topical matters such as new diagnostic technologies in public health, animal health or the ecosystem domain; application of approaches informed by the social sciences; dealing with ‘Big Data’; or the growing concerns about antimicrobial resistance in human and animal populations.

Post-conference workshop conducted by Marisa Peyre, Flavie Goutard and Jane Parmley- Evaluation of surveillance systems: principles and methods
With the emergence of new zoonotic diseases, the capacities of surveillance systems to accurately characterise animal diseases are of public health importance. Timely and relevant evaluations of these systems are critical in order to improve their performance, their cost-effectiveness and to allow for more objective decision-making and acceptance by stakeholders.
During these 4 days, the workshop will provide a theoretical and practical application for evaluation of disease/AMR/AMU surveillance systems and will introduce available tools to conduct qualitative and quantitative evaluation.
More information at http://www.nzva.org.nz/resource/resmgr/events/ICAHS/ICAHS3_workshop_Evaluation-s.pdf

For more information, please visit http://www.animalhealthsurveillance.org